Allentown Morning Call

November 12, 2005

Allentown Symphony Orchestra with Claremont Trio

When you invite three talented, radiant young women to perform a lyrical, gorgeous Beethoven work, the inevitable result is an appearance that will be remembered for a very long time. This was indeed the result of the Saturday and Sunday performances of the master's Triple Concerto for violin, cello, piano and orchestra, played with inspiration and authority by the Claremont Trio—pianist Donna Kwong, and twin sisters Emily Bruskin (violin) and Julia Bruskin (cello).

The Claremont instrumentalists brought to this unique work exuberance, and, above all, warmth. Their sense of intimate conversation was fully transmitted to the audience. The Allentown Symphony under Diane Wittry accompanied the soloists in a balanced fashion, a difficult task in a work that features three soloists and that is both delicate and forceful.

After the intermission, the symphony returned for a performance of the classic of

all classics—Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Wittry led the ensemble with the authoritative hand we expect. I particularly liked the fiery playing by members of the cello section and the uninhibited energy of the horns. At times, however, I thought the first violins needed more forcefulness.

—Ilan Peleg